Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Indulge in Fusion Tapas in Barcelona for a Taste of Two Rich Cuisines

Contemporary takes on tapas merge culinary elements to make for more unique and interesting tastes, as you will experience with fusion tapas in Barcelona. Fusion restaurants that have distinctly Arabian elements, such as Ziryab, give the traditional appetiser a dash of Middle Eastern flavour. The result is a more savoury and more fragrant feast for the taste buds. Take for instance a luscious pan con tomate platter with a kick of Jordanian zaatar or thyme, and drizzled with the finest virgin olive oil from Palestine. The dried herb (usually mixed with sesame seeds, sumac, and salt) and the premium organic oil combined with other spices render the dish more exquisite, with a highly aromatic flavour. Sweet dates and strong-tasting Halloumi cheese, among many other Arabian ingredients and seasoning, also blend well with Catalan meats and produce. Indulge in these delectable tapas en Barcelona for a culinary experience of a lifetime!

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